Welcome To Amritdhara

Amritdhara is a non-profitable secular Trust, dedicated to the service of Humanity and establishment of Love and Peace in the society. Amritdhara literally means Fountain of Nectar and the Sanskrit term is derived from the Vedas. It is a spiritual body, assemblage of persons devoted to Indian spirituality, culture and tradition. Amritdhara respects every religion and regards the worship of Tolerance and Non-violence. It regards Integrity as the prime principle of the society.

What Is Tantra

What Is Tantra?

  • Mantra is sound energy.
  • Yantra is a combination of symbols of 5 elements. Some characters and some shapes.
  • It is drawn on earth, metal, paper, leaf, tree bark, water or body.
  • The symbols are made using combinations of herbs, colors, and engraving on metal.
  • Tantra manifests when we use mantra on yantra.
Where Can Tantra Be Applied

Where Can It Be Applied?

The application of tantra is limitless. Its application can range from an individual to the whole of human society, from physical (living or nonliving) to spiritual.

At physical level, it can also be applied to structures, such as: a family residence, institution, business or corporate house or official mansion. The effect of the healing of the structures energises the persons living or functioning inside both materially and spiritually, and the purpose of the structure that stands for.

How Does Tantra Work

How Does Tantra Work?

After tantra is manifested, the energy is created and is channelized through the tantric (tantra practitioner) to the specific work (target). It works on the finest level of existence.

Tantra Healing

Can Tantra be adopted as an approach for healing purposes?

What is Tantra actually? Is it just a practice of some secretive procedures confined to a certain section of Tantric cult?

Is it beyond the conceivable idea of common woman or man?

Harsa at Amritdhara has endured great difficulties in visiting several importance places with rich history of Tantra, meeting several perosnalities associated with tantra and similar practices to learn the ever-glowing treasure of Tantra. With few decades of learning, practice and feeling it close to his hear, it has become clear to him that Tantra can be practiced and applied for holistic development of our Body, Mind & Soul.


Astrology is the study of how events on earth correspond to the positions and movements of astronomical bodies. These astronomical bodies included are the sun, moon, planets and stars. Depending on the position of these bodies at the exact moment of a person's birth, Astrologers believe these bodies and their movements reflect that person's character. The knowledge of the person's character and their relation to the bodies enables astrologers to predict a person's destiny. This prediction is not limited to one person. A prediction could be for an individual, group or nation.


Guru Sri Harsa

SRI HARSA is a contemporary healer with rare spiritual affinities in this age of fragmentation and fragileness where MAN aspires to inhabit in the nine planets but fails to live in peace and tranquility in his own. Science has become the tool to serve the ultimate but spirituality is the last concern. Science, detached from its spiritual potentiality lacks an integrated approach to serve the humanity. And MAN, severely mechanized with a spiritual collapse appears as an intellectual beast where the MIND overtakes and escapes him and the BODY rebels and finally succumbs to invisible tortures in the guise of success and achievements.

Our Interests

Tantra Healing
Mass Distribution
Revival of Vedic Worship and Rituals
Service to the Motherland


Harsa at Amritdhara has endured great difficulties in visiting several importance places with rich history of Tantra, meeting several perosnalities associated with tantra and similar practices to learn the ever-glowing treasure of Tantra.

Harsa at Amritdhara has endured great difficulties in visiting several importance places with rich history of Tantra, meeting several perosnalities associated with tantra and similar practices to learn the ever-glowing treasure of Tantra.

Contact Location

Plot No. 102, 1st & 2nd Floor,
Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751009,

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Service Hours
