
Guru Sri Hasha

A Journey of Spiritual Healing and Mastery of Tantra

In a world where the pursuit of material success often leaves people feeling disconnected and unfulfilled, Guru Sri Hasha stands as a beacon of hope and healing. He offers a path back to balance and inner peace through the ancient practices of Tantra. While society focuses on technological progress, Guru Sri Hasha has dedicated his life to reconnecting the body, and mind, and soul-helping individuals live in harmony and find true fulfilment.

Early Life and Spiritual Awakening

Born on the auspicious day of Shivaratri in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, Guru Sri Hasha grew up in a devout Brahmin family. His beloved mother, Harapriya, instilled discipline and devotion in him, while his father, Radhakrushna, encouraged intellectual growth. Although raised with scientific and spiritual influences, the rich spiritual traditions of his homeland shaped his spiritual journey. Odisha, especially in South Odisha, where his ancestors lived, is known for its deep roots in healing practices, sorcery, and Tantric rituals. This background laid the foundation for Guru Sri Hasha’s spiritual awakening, which began in his early teenage years. Then, he had a vision of Maa Kali, the Divine Mother, which ignited his quest for self-realization. This marked the beginning of his journey into the ancient practice of Tantra

Meeting his Mentor and Learning Tantra

After his vision, Guru Sri Hasha’s spiritual path led him to a fateful meeting with One Bhairavi, a Tantric Siddha, while wandering along the Tara-Pitha in West Bengal. Under her guidance, he dedicated a year to intense Tantric practices, developing his spiritual practice and deepening his understanding of Tantra. This early initiation fueled his lifelong dedication to spiritual growth and healing.

His journey did not stop there. Hungering for knowledge, Guru Sri Hasha travelled across India, visiting sacred sites and Kamakhya Pitha in Assam and other places. He trained under numerous Tantra Gurus, Siddhas, and Aghoris, who recognized his exceptional spiritual potential and guided him through advanced practices. His experiences in these sacred places further enriched his understanding of Tantra and its healing powers

Exploring Tribal Knowledge and Gaining Trust

In addition to his formal training, Guru Sri Hasha spent time with tribal communities in Orissa, learning their unique spiritual and healing traditions. These tribes, known for their secretive and powerful rituals, initially hesitated to share their knowledge with him. However, through patience and fearlessness, he earned their trust. By engaging in their sacred and often dangerous rituals, he deepened his understanding of natural forces and added to his spiritual mastery.

Healing Beyond The Physical

For Guru Sri Hasha, true healing goes beyond the physical body. Tantra, as he sees it, is a profound spiritual science that restores balance to the body, mind, and soul. He believes that modern society’s focus on material success has created a spiritual imbalance, which is causing much of today’s suffering. His role as a healer is to help people rediscover their inner engineering and restore harmony within themselves.

His mastery of Tantra enables him to heal not only physical ailments but also the deeper wounds of the soul. Through meditation, Guru Sri Hasha connects with enlightened beings who guide him in his healing work, offering him mantras and spiritual insights. He also taps into the natural energies of the earth, mountains, and forests, using these forces to assist in his healing practices.

Guru Sri Hasha’s Unique

Guru Sri Hasha believes Tantra is a science of infinite possibilities. For him, Tantra is not limited to religious dogma or rigid rules. Instead, it is a fluid, evolving practice that offers endless opportunities for spiritual growth. He constantly explores new ways to use Tantra as a positive force for healing and transformation, making him a unique visionary in the spiritual world and astral travel.