About Guru Sri Harsa

About Guru Sri Harsa

SRI HARSA is a contemporary healer with rare spiritual affinities in this age of fragmentation and fragileness where MAN aspires to inhabit in the nine planets but fails to live in peace and tranquility in his own. Science has become the tool to serve the ultimate but spirituality is the last concern. Science, detached from its spiritual potentiality lacks an integrated approach to serve the humanity. And MAN, severely mechanized with a spiritual collapse appears as an intellectual beast where the MIND overtakes and escapes him and the BODY rebels and finally succumbs to invisible tortures in the guise of success and achievements.


Guru Sri Harsa

GURU SRI HARSA, is born in 1970, in the day of Sivaratri in a Brahmin family in the eastern Indian state of Orissa. His late father Radhakrushna was a man of scientific bent of mind and mother Harapriya, a pious and devout lady. His childhood was spent in strict discipline and moral codes.

Harsa At Meditation Workshop

- HARSA performing a ritual initiation and invocation before the beginning of a meditation workshop, Salzburg.

The native performs a greater role in building up a personality. This is very much true in SRI HARSA's case. The culture, tradition and practice of his native have a strong influence on his character and personality. He imbibes, inherits and reinvents the cultural and traditional resources of his native through his innovations making it a new whole transformed as genuinely his own. His forefathers belong to South Orissa. South Orissa comprises the tribal belt inhabited by ethnic tribes. The tribes are famous for their primitive practices of healing, therapeutic invocation, shamanism, propitiation of ghost spirits, necromancy, sorcery, black magic, witchcraft and occultist tradition.

Mass Healing By Guru Harsa

- The audience receiving a mass healing with the sprinkling of divinised water from the GURU, Salzburg.

SRI HARSA's ancestral village Acchuli in Purushottampur is situated at the foot of the Taratarini hill, in the district of Ganjam in South Orissa. Taratarini is one of the important and oldest TANTRIC shrines and the goddesses are the legendary ethnic deities of Orissa. SRI HARSA's ancestors were the worshippers of Taratarini. So the practice of TANTRA is a hereditary age-old tradition in his family. The heredity is also genetically responsible for making him a TANTRIC.

At a tender age of twelve, he attained the vision of Kali, the cosmic and universal Mother. The visualisation inspired him to discover his own self. TANTRA appeared as the medium. He impulsively took up practicing TANTRA to realise his own self and the world, his very living space. It is unbelievable but true that SRI HARSA's initiation to TANTRA is rather by instinct - a realisation as the privilege from the SIDDHIS or attainments from previous births.

Two years later, he was blessed with the vision of MOTHER KALI; he met a BHAIRAVI while wondering on the Tarapith at west Bengal. The BHAIRAVI institutionally initiated him to TANTRA. He stayed with the BHAIRAVI and performed several TANTRIC practices and attained SIDDHIS. He had to return home to resume his studies but continued to perform the practices the BHAIRAVI had introduced him.

Harsa At Bildungshaus

- Bildungshaus St. Arbogast in Gotzis, Vorarlberg

He could not stay home for long, his instinct led him to different places, different GURUS of different cults. He wondered to TARA PITH in west Bengal and KAMAKSHYA PITHA in Assam. He spent two years there performing various TANTRIC rites belonging to different sects of TANTRA, and achieved attainments, guided by TANTRA GURUS, SIDDHAS, BHAIRAVAS, AGHORIS and KAPALIKAS. His GURUS however forbade him to disclose their names and identities.

He returned home as an authority of TANTRA and its versatility regarding rites, practices, applications, newer aspects and discoveries. But he is destined to advance and expand further, and gain and achieve more. He remembers, in one bright afternoon a BUDDHIST LAMA called on him at his door. His presence was very much amazing and mysterious. The LAMA just forbade him enquiring his whereabouts. SRI HARSA accepted him as his GURU and the LAMA ritually initiated him to the LAMA sect of Buddhist TANTRIC practices. He was introduced to newer facets. His GURU stayed with him for one week and rewarded him with more spiritual attainments. SRI HARSA recalls that the seven days were like seven years, and in those days they: he and his GURU had not taken a single grain and not even slept. The LAMA also disappeared mysteriously as he had arrived. He just vanished as he preceded a few steps down SRI HARSA's doorway.

SRI HARSA arrived at Mumbai at the age of twenty for his further academic career, loaded with experiences and visions. But the urge to discover more and know the unknown had not died out. In Mumbai he came in contact of a SUFI SAINT. The FAKIR acknowledged the spiritual potency in him and proposed him to teach the Islamic rites and practices. SRI HARSA readily accepted the divine offer. He restrained himself from other rites and practices being dedicated to SUFI path of learning, mastered the techniques and applications in too a little time guided by his SUFI GURU. The FAKIR was overwhelmed with joy and ecstasy witnessing the success of his disciple, and blessed him the ultimate spiritual prosperity in life.

SRI HARSA returned to Bhubaneswar, his new home to start his professional livelihood. Gaining knowledge and acquiring the new is a sort of addiction to him. He focused his concentration on the tribal aspects of occultist practices. He wondered through the tribal belts and habitations. He stayed in the tribal villages and learnt the typical and primitive practices and applications from the tribal masters, spiritual heads, sorcerers and priests. He had to work hard with patience as the tribes hardly believe the folk of the plains and the tribal masters are very much reticent in discussing and exposing their methods of rites to the foreigners (outsiders) because they fear that it would loose the sanctity of their knowledge.

He successfully passed all the tests his tribal GURUS had put forth and won their faith. He mastered the dreadful and deadlier rites without fearing for his own life even. His GURUS were astonished to see the courage and aptitude of this young man. They could not believe that a man from the plain or a common folk could be so dare-devilish to such an extent that a man of tribe could hardly be compared with.

SRI HARSA learnt from them the exclusive healing methods and practices by invoking the natural forces: the mothers of the hills and jungles. SRI HARSA has studied extensively about sorcery, necromancy, black magic and occultism but he sees and craves always for their positive aspects and sides.

Harsa At House of Silence

- House of Silence - PUREGG

Deep in meditation many SAINTS, SEERS, YOGIS and men of attainment and realisation appear in his inner vision. Some are known and the others are unknown to the world. The immortal souls descend in his meditation and convey the divine message and inspiration to the young YOGI. MANTRAS appear; different paths, ways and methods of practices, applications and solutions appear, and the whole world becomes liquidated in the mind screen. He feels his finer existence in the very existence of the world, and that of the world, its spirit and matters, living and nonliving in his inner eternal space.



SRI HARSA interprets TANTRA as deeper than the deep and filled with light and illuminations. The aim of TANTRA is the return to the state of undifferentiated existence. TANTRA is not limited within any religion. It is secular, full of all practicality and bereft of tenets and dogma. It is an institution that constitutes of methods to achieve the state of union with the infinite.

SRI HARSA believes in TANTRA's predictable potentials as the solution to the 'impossible.' Practically he sees no end to the possibilities of expansion of TANTRA regarding practice and application. He conceives everything, embraces anything, even the odd and opposite further moulding it into all positivism. The inconclusiveness of TANTRA excites the young man to venture into the massive and keen explorations.

SRI HARSA is not a TANTRIC and healer by fancy or fascination or to adopt a medium for identification, nor TANTRA is a mere profession to him, rather it should be realised that he is what he is by the passion in the depth of his heart, dedicating two decades of his youth, his whole existence, heart, mind, body and soul.

SRI HARSA conceives TANTRA as a science full of technicalities, process of applications, discoveries and inventions. More he progresses, more he proceeds, more he finds newer spheres, methods, sources, process and applications. There is no climax. It extends and expands. TANTRA has become a passion, an art and a medium through which he explores and discovers himself, dissolving the body in the mind and emerging out of its physicality, relating and linking up with others.

Tantra Yantra Installation

- The YANTRA visualised and installed by SRI HARSA at The Water Temple at St. Arbogast.

Contact Location

Plot No. 102, 1st & 2nd Floor,
Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751009,

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